Neuroma Specialist

Metropolitan Foot and Ankle Specialists

Podiatrists located in Aurora, CO

Neuroma affects the nerves in the ball of your foot, causing pain that only gets worse when you’re active. Women are up to 10 times more likely to develop Morton’s neuroma, which is usually due to the pressure caused by high heels or shoes with pointed toes. The doctors at Metropolitan Foot and Ankle Specialists encourage you to seek treatment as soon as symptoms develop because neuromas worsen and can cause nerve damage. To schedule an appointment, call their office in Aurora, Colorado or use online booking.

Neuroma Q & A

What is Morton’s neuroma?

Morton’s neuroma is often referred to as a noncancerous tumor or a pinched nerve. It’s more accurate, however, to describe it as a thickening of tissues that surround the digital nerves in your foot. The thickening develops between the third and fourth toes, where the nerves pass under ligaments.

What are the symptoms of Morton’s neuroma?

Your symptoms may be mild at first, or your foot may feel better when you remove your shoes. As the thickening worsens, you’ll experience one or more of the following:

Pain and swelling

You’ll have pain in the ball of your foot. Patients often call it a burning pain that worsens when you’re active or wear shoes. You may also feel pain between your toes or in the front of your foot. In some cases, swelling may occur.

Numbness or tingling

You may experience numbness or tingling in the ball of your foot. You could also feel like there’s something inside your shoe or that your sock is bunched up.

What causes Morton’s neuroma?

The nerve tissues thicken in response to irritation and pressure or compression. Several factors can increase your risk of developing Morton’s neuroma:

  • High-arched foot or flatfoot
  • Bunions or hammertoes
  • Repetitive stress
  • Trauma that damages the nerve
  • Footwear that’s too tight, has a narrow toe box, or has heels higher than two inches

How is Morton’s neuroma treated?

Morton’s neuroma worsens gradually, the pain lasts longer, and the symptoms intensify. As the neuroma enlarges, damage to your nerve becomes permanent, so it’s essential to get early treatment.

Treatment varies depending on the stage and severity of your neuroma, but it begins with conservative measures such as:

  • Icing: applying cold therapy reduces swelling
  • Padding or custom orthotics: both options can reduce pressure on the nerve
  • Shoe modifications: wear shoes with a wide toe box and low heels
  • Activity changes: temporarily avoid activities that place repetitive pressure on your foot
  • Medications: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce pain and inflammation
  • Injection therapy: cortisone injected at the site of the neuroma significantly relieves pain and swelling

If your neuroma doesn’t respond to conservative treatment, your doctor might consider using surgery to resect the nerve or release tissue around the nerve.

Don’t wait until Morton’s neuroma progresses to cause nerve damage. Call Metropolitan Foot and Ankles Specialists or book an appointment online.